How Uhtred Of Bamburgh United Northumbria, Fought Against Viking Invaders, And Started A Decades-Long Blood Feud
The show The Last Kingdom follows the story of Uhtred of Bebbanburg, a Saxon who is raised by Vikings, works for Alfred the Great, and fights for the lands that rightfully belong to him. Much about Uhtred’s story is fictional, but the character is based on a real historical figure known as Uhtred of Bamburgh or Uhtred the Bold.
The real Uhtred lived in the 11th century, more than 100 years after his onscreen counterpart. During this tumultuous time in English history, the kingdom of Northumbria...
The real Uhtred lived in the 11th century, more than 100 years after his onscreen counterpart. During this tumultuous time in English history, the kingdom of Northumbria...